By Toni N.
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The Toni Girls don’t just write restaurant reviews on other people’s food; we know how to get in the kitchen and make it happen for ourselves, baby.
Just kidding! We were social distancing from the kitchen until the pandemic hit. This Coronavirus situation has taught us the importance of staying home and making our own magic in the kitchen (along with the importance of an efficient drive thru line).
This sour cream pound cake recipe is a gift from Toni N. that the Taste Buddies can try while we’re all stuck in the house during this (seemingly endless) COVID quarantine.

One of my fondest memories is having the blessed opportunity to sit next to the legendary Mrs. Bea Cummings at a church revival. Sis. Cummings got my attention and gracefully revealed a basket full of cakes underneath a blanket! I shouted GLORY! Then, I gave her all of my offering money for the cakes and had to beg my family for a dollar later. (Judge not, Taste Buddies.)
There is nothing like a good old slice of pound cake!
I call this sour cream pound cake my “Put it On ‘Em” pound cake. Although I am new to baking, my family goes wild any time that I bake my pound cake. I adapted my recipe from Yumy Desserts and added my own Toni twist.
The night before you bake
Beloved, the process of baking the perfect sour cream pound cake begins the night before you actually put it in the oven. Take out six eggs and two sticks of butter and leave it out overnight. YES, I SAID LEAVE IT OUT! Don’t question it. If it works for Mama’s sweet potato pies, it works for me.
The Ingredients
6 eggs
3 cups of sugar
2 sticks of butter
2 teaspoons of vanilla
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice (Squeeze a real lemon, Taste Buddy.)
1 cup of sour cream
3 cups of cake flour (I don’t recommend all purpose for this recipe.)
Extra virgin olive oil
I recommend using a nice mixing bowl, and a non-stick Bundt pan.
My cake slides right out of my USA Pan!
The Put it On ‘Em Process
Start with Your Wet Ingredients
- First, dump all of the sugar into your mixing bowl. Add both sticks of butter and mix them up using either your spoon or mixer. Get it nice and creamy with no butter clumps.
- Next, separate the egg yolks from the whites. This is the hardest step for me and sometimes I mess it up. It’s not the end of the world if the separation is not perfect. Just don’t throw away the egg whites! You’ll need them at a later step. Add the yolks to your mix one at a time. Blend the yolk in really well after each egg is added.
- Add your vanilla, lemon juice, and sour cream. Mix this in really well.
Work on your Dry Ingredients
- Sift the cake flour. I measure out 3 cups before sifting but that’s not required. To your sifted flour, add the salt and baking soda. Then add the sifted flour, salt, and baking soda to your mix. Blend it in nice and smooth. No lumps allowed.
- Get a different bowl (yes, lots of dishes for this cake) and use your mixer to beat the heck out of those whites. Beat them until they are foamy and white. After you think you’ve beat it well enough, beat it some more. When you lift the mixer, you should see a little mountain top. If you don’t have a mixer, you can get a fork or whisk and beat it by hand. But the way my carpal tunnel is set up…I turn the mixer up to a million, Taste Buddies.
- Taste a drop of mix from your spoon or from the edge of your mixing bowl. Is it everything you wanted? If not, throw some more sugar in there. (Let Love be your guide.) The batter should taste really good before you bake it.
- Add the egg white foam into the mix. Get a nice spoon and gently (no mixer right now) fold the egg whites in. The mix should be smooth and creamy with no foam showing after you’re done. I also pray over the cake a little bit at this step but you can skip that step if you choose!
- Your mix is done! Congratulations. Now, preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
Prep for Baking
- While the oven is warming, get the Bundt pan and grease it. Put some oil in the pan and turn the pan around so that the pan is fully covered with oil. Don’t be afraid to take a CLEAN hand and smooth the oil across every centimeter of the pan.
- Take some flour and put it in the pan. Turn the pan around in your hands until the pan is covered from rooter to tooter with flour.
- Pour the cake mix into the pan. I like to gently shake the pan so that the mix smoothes out and settles down. I have no idea if this makes a difference, to be honest.
- Let the cake bake at 300 for 1 hour 30 minutes. (For my busy Taste Buddies, you can bake your cake in the air fryer! Check out how the Toni Girls did it.)

Let’s glaze
First, you need to decide whether you want a cream cheese glaze or a lemon glaze. I am not yet a glaze expert. The worst part about my glaze recipes is that I am not exact with my measurements. Glaze is art, not science. (Amateur art in my case.)
I tweaked a cream cheese glaze recipe from The Spruce Eats that I like.
Here is my cream cheese glaze recipe:
You need cream cheese, powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla.
Throw about 6 ounces of cream cheese into your (clean) mixing bowl and blend it up smoothly. Toss in about a cup of powdered sugar. Blend that up with the cream cheese. Then, add a teaspoon of vanilla. Add 4 ounces of milk. But, if you want a thicker glaze, add only 3 ounces of milk. (Similarly, the thinner you want the glaze, the more milk you need to add.)
For lemon glaze, just mix up lemon juice, milk, and confectioner’s sugar. I don’t have any measurements. Taste it until you get it right. Getting it “right” means that the glaze is smooth and sweet with no tangy aftertaste.
Don’t mess up the cake at the end!
Once the cake is done baking, let the cake sit UNBOTHERED for 10 minutes.
“Let the cake cool while your loved ones drool.”
~Toni N.
Don’t cut the cake too early!
Put a plate on top of the cake and flip the pan over. If you need to loosen the cake up from the pan, take a heavy knife and whack the sides of the pan. You could also flip the cake while it is still in the pan, but you would have to leave the cake alone for ten minutes before lifting the pan off.
After the cake is cool and flipped, drizzle that glaze and serve it up!
Did your sour cream pound cake “Put it On ‘Em”? Drop by the comment section and let us know what you think of the recipe.
For more dessert recipes, check out our Chocolate-Stuffed Churro Empanada Recipe and video and our fried biscuits and fried donuts tutorial.