Taste Buddies, we LOVE IT when we hit the jackpot!

We most definitely hit the food truck jackpot with Crunly Churros. Crunly’s is like the Power Ball of jackpots!
Trust us: You MUST try this food truck.
If you haven’t heard of Crunly Churros, you are certainly missing out. This food truck is absolutely magical.
We found out about Crunly through Instagram. Our Instagram finds can be hit or miss. To be honest, the Toni Girls have been catfished plenty of times by pretty Instagram pictures that turned out to be plain, old nasty food.
We actually eat more nasty food than good food. This food blogging gig is a dangerous sport. The Toni Girls try everything so that we can give you the best recommendations. We would never lead you all astray. But, as you all are aware, we never bash anyone’s business on Toni Taste Buds. Our goal is only to promote local businesses.
Imagine our surprise when we find the most fabulous food truck we have ever encountered!
The Toni Girls went on a mission to find this food truck. This food truck travels all across Palm Beach County of course, so we were fortunate that Crunly was in the West Palm Beach area when set on our late night churro run!
The first bite into one of Crunly Churros’ desserts is an experience. You will be moved to chorus when you taste these churros! Prepare yourself, Taste Buddy. We were not ready for the slap in the face that this food truck delivered.
We are still unable to get over how delicious these treats are!
Toni N ordered a “lollypop,” and she was definitely a small child again when she first bit into this drool-worthy delight. It was love at first bite! We should have taken a 360-degree shot of this dessert because it was drop dead gorgeous.

Chocolate and rainbow sprinkles covered this hot, sugary churro. Yes honey, the churro was hot and fresh. This was the first time in Toni N’s life that she has ever been speechless. There are no words to describe the joy that she felt when she bit into the churro lollypop.
Toni J was transported into a magical realm by the churro sundae. This work of art was topped with chocolate and almonds, and sat in a cup of vanilla ice cream.
Taste Buddies, who knew that a food truck on a Saturday night would be such a vibe? The atmosphere and ambiance felt like a cute ’90s kickback for some reason. We felt very chic and hip standing out at the food truck.

We saw teens and families at Crunly’s food truck, (socially distanced, of course) hanging out with their friends and family as they waited for these amazing churro creations!
The great thing about the food truck scene is that it is very COVID-friendly. Because you’re outdoors, you can chill out and wait for your piping hot churro to be prepared (while social distancing and wearing your mask).
We can’t believe that we lived this long without knowing about Crunly Churros.
You can bet your last dollar that the Toni Girls will be patiently stalking Crunly’s social media to stay updated on when their food truck will be rolling into our area!
We tried to make our own chocolate-stuffed churro empanadas once. They were tasty, but let’s just say that we will leave the churros to the professionals. If you want to make your own churros at home, check out our recipe.
If you have not already, do not pass go; do not walk; RUN to Crunly Churros! After you check out Crunly’s food truck, drop by the comments section and let us know how you enjoyed it.
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I think I’m going to try Toni J’s choice unless I see something more intriguing when I get there. I’ll let you guys know on Saturday!
Awesome! There is no bad choice at Crunly Churros. We can’t wait to hear how you enjoy your treat!